Rachel and Catherine are great to work with and I needed a boost. When I read their disclosure about not worrying too much b/c you could be catatonic and they will still make you look great -
I was like ok- I can do this ;).
It was sort of surreal. Very professional and I take it she is always in a really nice hotel.
We were at St Regis in Atlanta.
I showed up in rollers-(if you go I will tell you my hot roller secret to great hair) They ask you to bring in tear sheets from magazines for what kind of look you want- Then the makeup artist does her thing. I brought in a few outfits. I wasn;t planning to go nude but when I got there - I realized that is her specialty so I better go with the opportunity.
I did the recession session so that was only $200 but the photos are pricey.
Yet worth every penny. I got the book with 24 photos.
She asked me why I was doing the photos and I told her-
"Well I am turning 40 so this may be as good as it gets- better document it. Ha !!"
I am so happy with the outcome. Mike thinks it is the best gift ever.
She emails you a 'teaser' photo so I am attaching mine so you can see the "magic" ;)
Also, From the Photographer
Your investment contributes to making my sirens for survivors program real. For every event that I am able to fund, I give away a package to a breast cancer survivor, one per event, that is 24 lives per year that we are able to touch. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of women who have been ravaged emotionally, financially and physically by breast cancer. Please spread the word about this program and if you know a survivor of breast cancer who may benefit from this program, please have her contact us at sfs@rachelstephensphotography.