I was reminded of this list today..written by my youngest.
I was texting a friend & she was telling me how hard it is to cope with all the negative things
that are happening to a family member.
And this is what we came up with to help.
Try and Meditate on the positives in your life.
Remember that this takes practice.
Get together with friends
Walk outside
Eat something Yummy.
Find the positive in your day and if you don't feel like there is any ~
Putting all this into action takes deliberate work.
Everyday things happen that wear me down a little and I have to talk myself back up.
I remind myself that I am glad to be here & I want to see, touch, & feel all that life has to offer.
No one is going to Give me Happiness..I have to find it..see it and appreciate it.
And I am going to keep putting this on my to-do list until I get it right !!
"Be Happy All Day"