Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Mother's Day this year was the BEST.

Good friends-Very Irresponsible RUM Drinks.

Kids flying out of trucks and climbing trees.
Flowers and Cards.

Lots of cooking-grilling-talking and DANCING !!

Scorpion Bowl Recipe:

Friday, February 12, 2010

40 ain't so bad after all

This turned out to be a really great experience for me. I cannot say enough about the photographer and what she is doing for a woman's self esteem.
Rachel and Catherine are great to work with and I needed a boost. When I read their disclosure about not worrying too much b/c you could be catatonic and they will still make you look great -
I was like ok- I can do this ;).
It was sort of surreal. Very professional and I take it she is always in a really nice hotel.
We were at St Regis in Atlanta.
I showed up in rollers-(if you go I will tell you my hot roller secret to great hair) They ask you to bring in tear sheets from magazines for what kind of look you want- Then the makeup artist does her thing. I brought in a few outfits. I wasn;t planning to go nude but when I got there - I realized that is her specialty so I better go with the opportunity.
I did the recession session so that was only $200 but the photos are pricey.
Yet worth every penny. I got the book with 24 photos.
She asked me why I was doing the photos and I told her-
"Well I am turning 40 so this may be as good as it gets- better document it. Ha !!"
I am so happy with the outcome. Mike thinks it is the best gift ever.
She emails you a 'teaser' photo so I am attaching mine so you can see the "magic" ;)

Also, From the Photographer
Your investment contributes to making my sirens for survivors program real. For every event that I am able to fund, I give away a package to a breast cancer survivor, one per event, that is 24 lives per year that we are able to touch. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of women who have been ravaged emotionally, financially and physically by breast cancer. Please spread the word about this program and if you know a survivor of breast cancer who may benefit from this program, please have her contact us at

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Sake Mom cannot live by Sake alone.

I had a little Birthday cash burning a hole in my pocket and there was a whisper in this false spring air, could it be Madame Clicquot, calling me to Green's on Ponce. It has been sooooo long since I have been there. They have EVERYthing.
So I head to the Champagne isle-the real stuff -and purchase the last bottle of Veuve Cliquot Rose.
Thinking I will save it for a special occasion. Well that was Thursday and now it is Friday.
So I just go ahead and make a special occasion.
Chili Dogs-Tater Tots and French Champagne. Woohoo.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

We tested out the new Double Bunn Slushie Machine Friday night.
This will be at the NEW Corner Tavern
on Huff Road- OPENING in April.

So we have to gather and test recipes until the big day.
Here is what we tried out.

Coconut Rum
with Arden's Garden Hot Shot and OJ

Pink Lemonade with St Germaine and Vodka- this is a winner

We got Flipped

We went to Flip for dinner for my belated birthday with Mona and Poppy.

A great end to a very fun weekend.